Aeronautics Program

STEM+C: Science, Technology, Engineering, Math + Creativity STEM+C Inc. is a 501c3 not for profit, non-traditional education company, and flight school that offers part 61 flight training.
STEM+C creates bold, innovative challenges, projects, and programs to help engage our nation’s K-12 students.
We professionally develop teachers and engage, mentor, and facilitate students as young as kindergarten through 12th grade with our projects, programs, and challenges in Aerospace, Aeronautics, Aviation, Robotics and software coding. These projects are our attempt to inspire, and engage the next generation of scientists, engineers, and technical operators. Our goal is to get students excited about those career fields. Our aerospace projects are like any aerospace project that any aerospace company would try to attempt. The missions can be accomplished, but it will take planning, experimentation, discovery, engineering, design, and construction. There is no guarantee of success, however, through our designing, engineering, building, and testing, we prepare for the worst and plan for the best of outcomes. These projects teach the students how similar projects are conducted at any company that uses the engineering process. The students learn through the process of success and failure. The students learn through creative innovation when building their aerospace vehicles. The launch day is just like any Space X or NASA launch, all our planning, experimenting, checking and double checking comes down to the final second of the countdown clock.
That is real life problem solving.
Just some of the programs that we offer in 2022/2023 school season: Before Takeoff Checklist, TARC (The American Rocketry Challenge), Junior High Power Rocketry Certification, First Technical Challenge, Learn to Fly RC at the park, UAS4STEM, STEM Wing Racing, Discovery Flights in our Cessna 150 (at Chandler Airport), Private Pilot Training for High School Students, and more…Coming in December of 2022 “Taking Flight II” a 2 day family friendly event designed to engage students and teachers into the world of model aviation, model rocketry, and robotics. Students and teachers will be exposed to the many aspects, and opportunities in Aviation, Aerospace, and Aeronautics. Check our website for regularly updated information. To learn more about STEM+C, visit

Do you have what it takes?
Aerospace Engineering
Fundamentals of flight.
- Efficient wing design.
Hardware Engineering
Mechanical Design Principles including iterative design.
Learning how to design and manufacture parts.
Understanding of mechanical sub systems.
Using Fusion 360 to design rockets and planes.
3D printing custom designed parts.
Electrical Engineering
Learning electronic fundamentals.
Power system design and efficient power usage.
Electronics troubleshooting.
Software Engineering
Designing a software system to control planes.
Debugging software.
Motion planning.