About Us
“STEM+C, We are the hands on learning not for profit education company.”
STEM+C : Science, Technology, Engineering, Math + Creativity STEM+C Inc. is a 501c3 not for profit.
STEM+C creates bold, innovative challenges to capture our nation’s
younger generation’s attention and spirit.
TEM+C creates bold, innovative challenges to capture our nation’syounger generation’s attention and spirit.
We engage students as young as 5th grade through University with our projects, programs, and challenges in Aerospace, Aeronautics, and Aviation. These projects are our attempt to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers. Our goal is to get students excited about those career fields. Our aerospace projects are like any aerospace project that any aerospace company would try to attempt. The missions can be accomplished, but it will take planning, experimentation, discovery, engineering, design, and construction. There is no guarantee of success, however, through our engineering building and testing, we plan for the worst and hope for the best.
These projects teach the students how similar projects are conducted at any company that uses the engineering process. The students learn through the process of success and failure. The students learn through creative innovation when building their aerospace vehicles. The launch day is just like any SpaceX or NASA launch, all our planning, experimenting, checking and double checking comes down to the final second of the countdown clock.
That is real life problem solving.
Just some of the programs that we offer: TARC (The American Rocketry Challenge), Junior High Power Rocketry Certification, Learn to Fly RC at the park, UAS4STEM, Tiny Trainer guided build sessions, STEM Wing Build Session, STEM Wing Racing, Discovery Flights in our Cessna 150 (at Chandler Airport), Private Pilot Training for High School Students, and more.
Coming in the spring of 2022 “Taking Flight”. Check our web-site regularly for updated information.
To help support our projects and programs and to help us expand, please consider a tax deductible donation. Thank you, we sincerely appreciate your support.

Jake Minker
Hi, I am Jake. I have been flying RC planes etc... since I can remember. I have always been passionate about everything aviation-related. I have hopes to be an airline captain in the not too distant future. I am a freelance certified flight instructor in Mesa, AZ. If you are interested in becoming a pilot visit our flight instructor page.

Nate Taing
My name is Nate Taing, and I am currently attending ASU for Mechanical Engineering. Prior to joining STEM+C, I had some experience with engineering by being in the Sonoran Storm Robotics FRC team and tinkering with airsoft gearboxes

Gerrit Kaup
Hi, I'm Gerrit Kaup. I have been working with STEM+C ever since it started. I like to scratch build planes and rockets. I've taught many people how to fly, even some of the people working at STEM+C. Other hobby's of mine include playing video games, and building Gundam.

Eric Gordon
Hi, I'm Eric, I’ve been with Stem+C since it was a small group working out of a middle school in Illinois. Paul introduced me to flying R.C. airplanes and I later found an interest in the drone aspect of the hobby. I'm currently attending ASU for Aeronautical Management Technology (UAS).

Zein Sebraoui
Hey, I’m Zein. I have been interested in aviation since I was a kid and am a private pilot working to become a commercial pilot in the future. STEM+C got me into and taught me w lot more aviation and RC airplanes then I knew before.

Jett Peterfreund
Hi, I’m Jett, I’ve been with Stem+C ever since STEM+C moved to Arizona. I’ve been super passionate about aviation ever since I was a young boy. In the future I’m want to become a commercial pilot.

Permeet Bhatia
Hi, I’m Permeet. I’ve been with STEM+C ever since STEM+C moved to Arizona. Some of my hobbies include flying RC airplanes, launching rockets, volleyball, and photography. I am currently a member of the AMA and NAR and have my level one rocketry certification.